See9SeeKenya winners awarded

See9SeeKenya winners awarded

Dennis Kiptoo, Zollo Nyamu and Carole Mugure are the winners of the #See9SeeKenya competition that was held by Tecno Mobile between July 7, 2016 and Jul7 20, 2016.
Each of the winners; a photographer, an upcoming photographer and a student respectively, received a Tecno Camon C9 mobile phone during the award ceremony held at Kenyatta University on Thursday.
See9SeeKenya winners awarded

See9SeeKenya winners awarded

Participants were required to take appealing photos of the various sceneries in Kenya including Kenyan people, animals, colours in Kenya, culture, sports, cities, Kenyan lifestyles and landmark in the country, among others; all in a bid to show the country’s beautiful features.

The award ceremony marked the beginning of the mobile company’s long term engagement with universities in Kenya. See9SeeKenya was a competition that required participants to share photos or videos that they think best represents Kenya. It was an opportunity for Kenyans to reflect and think about all the reasons that makes them proud of Kenya.

“We wanted to let Kenyans tell the Kenyan story through photography. The See9SeeKenya photo competition was a challenge that gave the Kenyan youths an opportunity to tell the Kenyan story from their own perspective,” said Dickson Ireri, head retail and training at Tecno.

He added: “Tecno intends to make phones and other devices available to students at an affordable prices and this will start at Kenyatta University. We also want to provide life skills to them in whatever capacity we can.”

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