Dear Mr. President,
Firstly The youth of Kenya and Green Economy For Kenya send their sincere greetings to you. We hope that this letter finds You in good spirits.
We know you are busy, preparing for the upcoming Africa Climate Summit. Thankyou for offering to have Kenya host this very important event in our times!
We write to you on behalf of Green Economy For Kenya and youth in Kenya; urging you to emphasize Green Politics, Engagement of more youth in leadership, decision making and implementation of policies.

With young people in Kenya forming over 75% of the country’s population, we urge you to create more room for youth representation. I have had the opportunity to engage and work with various young Kenyans and youth organisations mostly in environmental conservation and climate action.
Being the winner of Humming Birds environmental conservation champion youth category 2022 and winning Diversity and inclusion Environmental Conservation Champion 2023 showed us that young people can do more and their are not limited as long as they are in a conducive environment to thrive.
As young leaders, we urge you to be more intentional on youth empowerment. Kenyan youth hold a wide range of talent and expertise that makes us suitable leaders and ambassadors of our country. We are not leaders of tomorrow but of today.
As agents of positive change we are asking for your support to the youth to move forward the climate agenda!
Benard Kioko Ndaka
As young people, we wish to remind you of the critical role that we have continued to play in ensuring that we find local solutions to climate-related challenges facing our communities. Recently, the East African region faced a severe drought that affected many spheres of our lives. With the right involvement of these young minds, we believe that the youth of this country have what it takes to address such challenges as dought and other natural disasters.
The young people are working tirelessly on locally lead climate initiatives among other things for the good of our people and our country. We need to leave our history books complete by making accomplishments and letting them be claimed by our country and not foreigners.
With an opportunity for young people to brand themselves, Kenya will achieve more as a nation. We the youth have what it takes to move this nation forward.

No act of kindness no matter how small is ever wasted and a good deed can go a long way in impacting people’s lives. Its time to ACT.
We the Kenyan Youth are united like never before and we shall relentlessly do so for the good of our Nation and even for generations to come. Change is inevitable and it is bound to happen.
As agents of positive change we are asking for your support to the youth to move forward the climate agenda!
Thank you.
In Peace ,
Benard Kioko Ndaka,
Founder and Chairperson ,
Green Economy For Kenya – GEFOK.
I am so excited to read about the stand of these young people in Kenya! Thank you for being in action and communication, from a space of love and commitment. I wish you all the best in having your voices heard and success in your ask from your President!