Superb is a community Based Organization founded by Yasmin Mohammed who identifies herself as a feminist and a menstrual champion. The organization works towards promoting and protecting the rights of women and girls in underserved communities in the country.
“As an organization we envision an inclusive society that values and supports the free engagement of women and girls in development through connecting and strengthening their capacity, empowering them to realize their highest through various activities, “said Yasmin.
The organization has a community library with computers, books and tablets donated during the onset of covid-19 for the girls to continue with their lessons virtually. The organization offers financial literacy lessons as well as entrepreneurship skills to empower the women and girls to be financially independent. Every Saturday they hold meetings, offering a safe space where the women and girls discuss the challenges they encounter every day.

“The reason for creating a safe space is because apart from the activities we hold, we still need to use the advocacy approach to amplify their voices. We also need to think about our mental wellbeing and that’s why we organize a fun day once in a while to loosen up and just be able to perform our responsibility well,” she said.
Focus on menstrual health
But one of the major activity the organization focuses on is matters menstrual health having sewing machine for making pads which they distribute to vulnerable girls lacking access to menstrual kits. They have also come up with a menstrual dispenser available to girls and women that they serve.
“The sewing machines are used to make sanitary towels. This is because menstrual health has been greatly underrated and the government has not prioritized menstrual health as a human right issue. We distribute quality health products to women and girls in Kibra as well as other parts of the country such as Mombasa, “ she explains.

The pad dispenser was a way to challenge the system to consider period as a major issue to be addressed the same way they tried addressing teenage pregnancy cases through condom dispensers as a contraception method.
The organization implemented the pad dispenser two years ago. Yasmin opines: “If we are having condom dispensers then its high time we have pad dispensers as well because menstruation is a big deal in women’s lives.” And still she continues to empower women and girls in her community wanting to live a footprint as menstrual health champion.
I want to be remembered by people in Kibera or even in Kenya at large as a champion in matters of menstrual health. I am passionate about menstrual health and I feel good when teaching and adding knowledge to girls and women on this issues. I want Yasmin to be remembered for such initiatives.