The Kenyan woman well known as “Life Coach” was recently recognised among top 20 Africans for her extra ordinary impact and contribution to the growth, development, and transformation of Africa by Pen Africa from Nigeria.
Munyi is a certified life coach from Coaching Up University and a global champion for youth empowerment.
She is also an expert in leadership, change management, and personal development.
Munyi has conducted corporate programmes in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, South Africa, the Kingdom of Eswatini, Benin and Nigeria among other countries.
After secondary school, Munyi joined Dedan Kimathi University of Technology for a diploma in IT.
She later studied for a bachelor’s degree in the same field.
After university, she found a job in the IT industry. But working in server rooms configuring machines was not her cup of tea.
She opted to venture into sales and marketing before venturing in motivational speaking starting with schools and expanding to the corporate world.
Munyi is very passionate about Africa which she says needs rebuilding which can only be achieved through building its people and its systems.
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