Impact Mashinani:Africa Solutions Media Hub Conduct a media training for CBOs in Kajiado County

Judy Ndunge Uncategorized May 15, 2024

Africa Solutions Media Hub under the Impact Mashinani Program conducted another media training session for community-based organizations in Kajiado County on May 11th, 2024. The training session saw over 30 participants representing different women and girl-based organizations equipped with relevant storytelling skills to enable them to document their projects effectively.

“Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) have unique stories to tell because more than often they are the ones in connection to with the common person. One of our key programs at Africa Solutions Media Hub is Impact Mashinani which aims to equip them with impact storytelling skills to empower them to effectively tell their social impact stories. The reflection of their impact is not amplified as much as it should because for once there’s over-reliance on renowned media houses for coverage. It’s not discouraged but part of our training shows them how to identify and maximize the available channels within their organization settings to push forward their own stories” Lilian Kaivilu, a Social Impact Storytelling trainer at Africa Solutions Media Hub.

Why Social impact storytelling?

Impact storytelling is all about telling stories that showcase solutions to the challenges communities are facing each day. It is all about capturing what individuals and organizations are doing to address challenges they have identified in their societies.

“We tell our stories so that other people or change makers get to know what we do and then try to emulate the lessons from them. It also helps create awareness as people would get to understand your services better and resonate with your values and mission.  If you don’t say it then they’ll probably never know what you do,” said Kaivilu.

Impact Mashinani equips CBOs with relevant media skills to document their stories .

Organizations can also leverage storytelling to engage and lobby with other stakeholders to form partnerships that could drive their agendas forward. Donor recognition is also possible though participant were advised to tell the story to reflect on their impact.

“It’s important to tell your story for donor recognition but it’s advisable not to major on that. Tell your stories because they touch and impact people’s lives. More than often donors are more willing to support causes that demonstrate the gaps and solutions implemented to fix those gaps. Showing the world what you need and demonstrating why you need the support would more often do the trick,” Francis Mureithi a seasoned editor, Solutions Journalism trainer and Mentor.

During the training, it was notable most of the present organization had little or no knowledge of utilizing their social media platform as a medium for storytelling. Out of all the present organizations, only a handful of them were recorded to have had registered or existing social platforms including a website, WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, and X (formerly Twitter) account.

The session covered the use of digital platforms as channels to cover stories. Social media platforms have the potential to drive content forward as they unveil a bigger platform for audience engagement. And with each passing day, it’s advancing and becoming better and better.

“Different platforms unveil different features to enhance your creativity and that’s what you should make use of social media. But before you post study your audiences first and know what content attracts them. Then use the appropriate delivery methods to mobilize people around your organization’s mission and in this case, videos,” advised Tracy Muthoni, an experienced videographer and photographer.

Videos are more likely to capture audience attention than any other form of content format. Viewers are more likely to push the content forward with views, likes and even tagging.

But as much as Social Media platforms are better suited to deliver stories it has to be done with caution.

Community Based Organization were trained on relevant storytelling skills to enable them document their projects effectively.

“There are legal gaps when it comes to social media. Media practitioners are guided by the Code of Conduct for the Practice of Journalism in Kenya, Copyright Act, and Defamation Act. These laws provide a legal framework for the practice of journalism in Kenya. Familiarize yourself with what these laws entail for your safety and the safety of your sources even when developing content for social media,” advised Mureithi. He also advised on personal branding that goes hand in hand with an organization’s branding.

He added: “If you want to remain professional in your work and for your organization, remember that your personal image is very important. Let your social life reflect your professional life.”

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